HOW TO SPOT High Probability Trades in 2024

HOW TO SPOT High Probability Trades in 2024 It’s funny but I’m going back to my roots with trading. Last year I thought, let’s dish out all types of trades. High probability and Medium Probability. The result? 55% win rate. This is still considered...

Is trading really gambling? Yes and no!

Is trading really gambling? Yes and no! I know why you’re NOT trading. You think trading is nothing more than gambling. I get emails every day from members saying things like. “Timon trading seems like going to the casino”. “Timon I don’t want to put money into...

STOP asking this dangerous two word question

STOP asking this dangerous two word question What if? This simple two word question is a psychological trap that traders often encounter. And it does nothing more than undermine their decision-making process and overall trading performance. This question will open a...

STOP Overtrading with these easy steps

STOP Overtrading with these easy steps How to Stop Overtrading Do you ever get caught in the whirlwind of overtrading? You’re taking a ton of trades because you’re bored, to make up for losses, for the sake of trading and to maybe feel productive. It’s like Netflix...