4 Events to Watch out For when you Trade

4 Events to Watch out For when you Trade When you’re a mechanical trader. And when you think you got trading in a bag.   You still need to be logical and rational when trading the markets. There are exceptions. And you need to consider these exceptions which could...

The Power of Rule 64 and Your Path to Retirement

The Power of Rule 64 and Your Path to Retirement   I’d like to tell you a story. There once was a king Genoros, he was well known for keeping his promises. He lived in a castle and was the richest man in the world. But he was notorious for locking- people up, who...

The Power of the 3 Seconds Rule in Trading

The Power of the 3 Seconds Rule in Trading The Power of the 3 Seconds Rule in Trading In the fast-paced world of financial trading, time is often the difference between success and failure. One effective strategy that I’ve found incredibly beneficial is the 3 Seconds...

6 Quantifiable Trading Goals to Know

6 Quantifiable Trading Goals to Know There is one thing that will separate the winners from the losers. Knowing your numerical trading goals. When you have a back-tested and solid strategy, everything else becomes easier. You have the past and the potential future in...

16 Golden Risk Management Rules for Traders

16 Golden Risk Management Rules for Traders Reading this will be WORTH IT – I promise. To build your portfolio. You need to learn to manage your risk. And over the last 16+ years, I’ve given you maybe five ideas on how to do it. Well, today I have 16 of the most...

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