TRADERS! One step is a step forward Hello traders, Are you feeling stuck in your trading journey? Are you constantly asking yourself “WHICH WAY AM I MOVING?” Let me tell you something: as long as you are taking one step at a time, you are moving...
Why Multitasking is Dangerous for Traders – 6 REASONS We have come to believe that juggling multiple tasks, will some how reward us eventually. But with trading, I can’t think of anything worse. In fact, I think it’s counterproductive to multi-task when making...
How a Simple Cup of Tea Can Improve Your Trading Traders are always on the lookout for ways to improve their performance. They are always trying to find ways to make better decisions in the markets. While most people might not think to turn to tea as a solution, it...
END Procrastination Today with 7 Tips One of the biggest issue a trader has is none other than procrastination.• They doubt their trades – so they don’t take them.• They skip a trading day – so they miss opportunities.• They don’t monitor their results on a weekly or...