16 Trading Mistakes you’re still Making

16 Trading Mistakes you’re still Making If you’re still failing as a trader. You could be making one or more of these common and lethal mistakes.   #1: No Structured Approach If you’re not following a structured approach to evaluate potential trades,...

8 Most Important Trading Levels of Entry

8 Most Important Trading Levels of Entry I’ve given you over 30 different elements you can add to your trading journal. But if you want to start off light and easier, then there are only a few KEY levels you’ll need to get into your trade and track them. 8 to be...

Add these 4 EXTRAS to your Trading Journal Today

Add these 4 EXTRAS to your Trading Journal Today I’m sure you know by now. That every successful trader needs a trading journal. This is an essential tool to track, monitor, evaluate, record, and measure your trading success. However, I’ve come up with 4 EXTRA Journal...

Maximise your trading success with market analysis

Maximise your trading success with market analysis When it comes to trading, one of the most important skills to develop is market analysis. When you know how to read the market and make informed decisions, it can be the difference between spotting high, medium and...

Why Penny Cryptos are Lethal when trading

Why Penny Cryptos are Lethal when trading Why Penny Cryptos are lethal with Trading! We saw how insanely unstable crypto currencies were recently. We saw crashing markets, leaders that had very bad risk and business management strategies. We saw huge jumps and even...