POWERFUL Quote about Trading Here is a quote I want you to write down and hold close to your heart. Trading is a Game of Focus, Sheer Will, and Unstoppable Determination Trading is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a game of focus, sheer will, and the kind of...
Why Trading is NOT Like Your Childhood! Growing up is very different to trading. We are brought up to walk and talk quickly – WIN We are brought up to have the best grades – WIN We are brought up to buy the best cars and houses – WIN We are brought up to have...
3 Dangers of Trading DOUBT (Part 2) The Dangers of Trading Doubt: Part 2 Trading isn’t just about charts, indicators, and strategies — It’s a battle of the mind. And lurking in the shadows is one of the most dangerous opponents you’ll face: Doubt....
3 Dangers of Trading DOUBT Doubt. It’s that little idiot in your head that whispers, “What if you’re wrong?” or “Maybe this isn’t for you.” It’s what stops you from achieving greatness. It’s what keeps you in uncomfortable...
3 Types of Trades – HPT – MPT and NT Trading isn’t just about luck. Trading isn’t just about strategy. Trading is about stats and probabilities and know how to execute with the right money management. Also, here is a surprise. Not all setups are created equal....
Bruce Lee’s Way of Thinking Like a Trader It’s better to have 9 years of experience trading 1 strategy than 1 year of trading experience for 9 systems.~ Timon Rossolimos inspired by Bruce Lee. Ever heard the saying… “I fear not the man who has...