Take a “Think Week”

by | Aug 10, 2021

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learnt as a trader and entrepreneur was from…
Bill Gates.

Twice a year, Bill Gates goes somewhere special to have what he calls a “Think Week”.

He bans all communication from his family, friends and employees.

He then takes a bunch of books and uses this time to read, come up with new ideas and work on personal development.

He told the public that many breakthroughs at Microsoft came from these “Think Weeks”.

When I learnt this lesson, my trading went to a WHOLE new level.

Here’s what I did…

Sun City helped me create the MATI Trader System!

Basically, I would book two weeks to stay at the Vacation Club in Sun City.

To create the MATI Trader System, I used to dedicate a full week to analyse, optimise and create the strategy.

My view each day was waking up to the sound of different animals and the view was breath taking in nature with the tall trees and green grass.

Mind was calm and was in full trading mode.

I would go through a number of different financial markets, back test trades that lined up and prepared the statistics for the system.

Each day was a breakthrough without any distractions, noises and other obligations.

I highly encourage you to do the same.

Now I use ‘Think Week’s a little different.

For one, I like to travel to Durban, Cape Town, Dubai or Greece.

And I optimise the MATI Trader System to new international markets, commodities and even crypto-currencies.

And when it comes to my business, I take an entire week creating HD visual and audio events for you.

Trade well and look after yourself,

Timon Rossolimos

Founder, MATI Trader



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