Profit on the go with Supreme MATI Trader Today!

Ah, the trading journey.
You’ve been grinding away, soaking up every bit of trading knowledge you can find.
Courses? Check.
Endless videos and articles? Double-check.
Trading strategies and systems? Triple-check.
But despite all that, your portfolio is glaring at you in the red.
Your confidence is almost shot and you’re almost on the verge of giving up.
Sound familiar? Pull up a chair. You’re in good company.
The Struggle is Real
You’ve invested in trading too much too quit.
You’ve invested in courses, books and strategies.
You’ve invested in hours of your time devouring the content.
But the puzzle pieces are just not fitting.
And your end goal and mission just seems too difficult and cumbersome.
You’re stuck and just don’t know what’s next.
You’re Not Alone
Now I must have real issues.
But unlike the gurus you see today who “made it” in trading after one or two years.
My path was very long and difficult.
It took me 8 years of being in the trading trenches, until 2011 to get it right!
And I was flying solo! No mentor, no MATI and no guides!
It was the longest labyrinth of little chance of succeeding during some of those years.
It took a lot of time, blood, sweat and fear – to get it right…
So trust me, you are NOT alone.
Here’s a comforting thought.
There is a difference between where you are now and where I was.
You are very lucky today!
You now have the BEST brokers!
You now have the BEST variety of markets!
You now have the BEST trading and charting platforms.
You now have the BEST set of time frames and high definition charts.
So, you have a MUCH BETTER chance at getting this right in 1, 2 or even 3 years!
Slash Your Learning Time By 8 Years
Start Your Profitable Trading Career Today!
My name is Timon Rossolimos, founder of MATI Trader.
When I first started trading in 2003 up until 2011, it was a complete disaster…
The learning process cost me hundreds of thousands of rands, tens of thousands of hours, countless nights of fear and a ton of trial and error through testing over 1,000 systems.
The only thing that kept me going was… Insanity.
But during this humble experience, I made a promise…
I promised that if trading ever did bring some form of financial independence to my life…
I would make sure that I share what exactly worked for me and why…
20 years later… That’s what I’m doing for one reason –
I don’t want you to go through the same struggle that I went through.
Today, I want to cut your steep-learning curve by more than eight years, take the guesswork out of your trading and remove any form of worry, panic or stress whenever you take a trade again.
Are You Ready to Join the Ranks of Success?
I’m extending a golden invitation to you.
No it’s NOT the MATI Trader System programme – You have that.
No It’s NOT another trading course – You have those.
No it’s NOT even the Premium MATI Trader Service.
This time it’s an invite for you to embark on something new this year, that can accelerate and escalate your trading success…
Right now, you have a life-altering opportunity that’s right at your fingertips.
And if you’re willing to dive into what I’m about to share, you could be setting yourself up for a lifetime of financial freedom.
But there is a caveat.
It will require your attention.
It will require at LEAST 5 minutes a week.
It will require your full passion, determination and perseverance.
I’ll do my part, if you will do yours.
And if you’re still reading, then I have no doubt you have the three elements to make this very profitable for you.
But before we dive in, I must share a personal confession…
The Brutal Truth About
What Successful Traders Want
Take a guess…
Money? Cars? First Class plane tickets?
No… This is NOT what they want.
You can achieve this through a normal 9-5 job.
You can achieve this through saving money for years on end.
You can achieve this from starting your own business and working your way up.
Successful traders want something far deeper and MUCH more meaningful.
Before I tell you what they want, let me ask you something.
When you think of a successful trader, what comes to mind?
Someone with:
A financial degree?
Over four screens filled with complicated indicators?
A chic office sitting with 10 other traders wearing Versace suits?
A ton of books, data and money splashed on his desk?
If this is what you pictured, the internet has done a fine job at creating the stereotypical type trader.
Here’s the brutal truth about what truly successful traders want:
We DON’T want more than two screens
We want the FREEDOM to travel the world with nothing more than a laptop.
We DON’T want to be glued to our computers all day
We want the FREEDOM that only requires little time in a week.
We DON’T want to wear suits and sit with other traders
We want the FREEDOM to wear whatever the hell we want, and wherever we want.
So, what’s the one thing truly successful traders want?
And I want the same for you…
Sound good?
By the way…
You do NOT need to be glued to a screen.
You do NOT need to have any prior trading experience.
You do NOT need to worry about high frequency trading.
You do NOT need to do any research or crunch any numbers.
I will give you all the tools, resources and information you need to achieve this profitable venture of yours.
Then it’s all about using this BRAND new tool in 2024 – to create your freedom…
My entire career:
A Tribute to One Revolutionary System
My life’s work, my every day, has been devoted to one thing:
Crafting, refining, and mastering the simplest, yet most effective trading system out there – The MATI Trader System.
You might know it.
You might know how it works.
You might use it every day to spot trades.
You might know it when you follow ideas on Premium MATI Trader.
This system isn’t just a part of my career; it’s the backbone of it.
Without this system, the dreams I live today would still be just that…
It’s been my ticket to providing for my family, exploring every corner of the globe, and positively impacting over 257,000 individuals in the last 20 years.
Now, it’s more than just a system; it’s a mission.
A mission to share this with you and countless dedicated traders, to ensure we all thrive together – indefinitely.
And no I’m not selling you the MATI Trader System, Premium MATI Trader or a trading course.
You’re in for an amazing treat in store for you in 2024.
Allow us to introduce you to:
MATI Trader Supreme Premium Service

Here’s what it is:
MATI Trader Supreme (est. 2024) is
an online service with LIVE BUY and SELL day trading
signals via WhatsApp, Discord and email with LIVE events and videos for anyone to profit on the go from anywhere at any time.
This service will help YOU to build and generate a consistent income from the financial markets using a two decade proven and profitable breakout DAY trading strategy called The MATI Trader System.
Now you might be thinking,
“Wait isn’t that what Premium MATI Trader Service is?”
Not even in the slightest.
With the OLD Premium MATI Trader Service, you get buy and sell trade alerts on a variety of markets on a daily time frame.
This means you can hold these trade for up to 1, 3 or even 6 months.
But it will take time for your portfolio to pick up and build into a sizeable fortune.
HOWEVER, it takes TIME!
Time you might not have on your side.
There are a few PROBLEMS with Position Trading
PROBLEM #1: Long holding
You can hold trades for 1, 3 or even 6 months.
PROBLEM #2: Too many markets
The portfolio is diversified over many assets and markets (difficult to be consistent and track with ease).
PROBLEM #3: Interest destroys portfolios
The daily interest charges (for buying or going long) eats into your portfolio.
To build a sizeable portfolio – Takes YEARS.
PROBLEM #5: Tiny interest income on shorts
The daily interest income on shorts is very small.
PROBLEM #6: Losing months
We can incur a couple of losing months a year. (Inevitable)
With Supreme it is VERY DIFFERENT.
My goal is to show anyone how to day trade, make a success from the financial markets and help people create their wealth.
And we will STRIVE to end up profitable EVERY single MONTH!
This will take a LOT of my
time, research and energy
I’m ready to be your complete mentor and trader to help build your trading career and generate wealth on a quicker basis.
I have put all my other projects with other companies on the side for YOU.
I am fully devoted to help you grow and build your wealth together with Supreme MATI Trader.
I know there are traders like you that REALLY want to dig into the real action of LIVE trading and take advantage of the DAILY market moves, trends and insights.
And those who are READY to build their portfolios on a MUCH faster basis.
And those who are finally READY to build their portfolios on a MUCH quicker basis, can now do so.
With MATI Trader Supreme Service
There’ll be a few elements to it:
ACTION: (WhatsApp, Discord and email)
You’ll get LIVE BUY and SELL daily DAY trading signals with clear setups
(Entry, Stop loss, Take profit, Risk and Reason).
JOIN: (Events and Video)
LIVE and REAL time trading EVENTS on:
~ Daily & weekly biases
~ Instant trade lineups and setups
~ Making adjustments and updates
You’ll get the chance to:
Pre-recorded videos on:
~ Daily & Weekly biases and market trend analyses
~ What trades line up with the full setups
~ Post-market analyses and potential future trades
~ Any adjustments and updates that were made
Now I have to be real with you.
I understand fully that I am going to reveal absolutely everything you need to make a success from day trading.
You are going to get so much powerful information that…
It might even get to the point where one month and you could go off on your own:
You won’t EVEN need me anymore!
You’ll get so clued up, you’ll be able to create an even more profitable strategy that suits your trading personality and risk profile
You won’t EVEN need me anymore!
You will develop the trading skills and know-how to PASS different challenges and GET FUNDED by many prop firms.
You know what that means?
When you pass their challenges, they will give you a HUGE amount of money to trade and PROFIT from.
And then you can withdraw the money and do what you want with it. But my goal is to help you build a forever income.
And I’ll be here to do just that.
You will be able to trade, build, compound and escalate.
But my goal is to help you build a forever income.
I have decided to put my full time and energy into this.
I have made it my mission and goal for YOU to be a winning-case study.
Live Your Laptop Lifestyle With
Whether you’re enjoying your first coffee in the morning, on your lunch break, have a couple of minutes a day to spare when you get home.
Even if you’re lying on your bed, sitting on your couch, at the train station, chilling at your friend’s place, this will work on your phone, tablet, laptop or any other device with an internet connection.
Set your notifications on the chat room.
And when you hear your phone go off.
You know a profit opportunity is on its way!
Also, you’ll get to see everything not only via WhatsApp, email and via the Discord chat room but also LIVE and REAL-TIME with:


You’ll receive exclusive trading high definition visual & audio webinars a few times a week!
With it, you’ll be able to live your laptop life-style, trade anywhere in the world or watch these videos in the comfort of your own home.
These live webinars and pre-recorded videos will help you:
High actionable buy and sell trades and setups.
Daily & Weekly bias (Chart analysis to establish the market’s trend and environment).
Online weekly market updates, adjustments and trade lineups.
Weekly wrap up & post-session analysis, where markets are heading and track record & journal review.
And if you can’t watch it, you’ll get the pre-recorded video as a link sent to your email and Supreme Discord chat room.

Now before you start, you’re going to get an EXTREMELY important Welcome Guide to make sure you start off on the right foot with Supreme.
It will definitely answer all your questions and help you get started with the service.
Once you’re done reading it, you’ll be set to go.
But I still urge you to…
It’s vital for you to understand the true nature of how this is going to make bank.
This is the most important booklet I can give you…
Nothing is kept secret:
Keep it close…
This will be your reference guide, to ensure your success with The MATI Trader Supreme Premium Service…
In this quick and easy guide, I will outline:
CONNECT: Supreme WhatsApp and Discord group
LINK: your trading platform to TradingView
5 STEP CHECKLIST: Action each trade
SPOT: Daily and Weekly market bias
STRATEGY: Supreme uses, time frame and the best markets
DOWNLOAD: Supreme Risk Calculator & Journal
And more…
This booklet alone will give you everything you need to make this service extremely successful for you.
You’ll get two calculators.

› Know exactly how much to buy and sell
› What to risk
› What your risk to reward is
› How much you need to deposit with each trade
› Fast track your weekly trading success, performance and stats.

We have only been LIVE and REAL for the last two weeks and we have already had 8 Winning Trades in a row!
So that’s why this is the most profitable service I can offer you.
You’ll have to live it to experience the profits to come and the success you’ll achieve as a trader.
Take a look at the last 8 trades…

Never Miss A Trade Again
5-Step Checklist To Take The Perfect Trade
If you can follow a simple step-by-step process, you can start making these profits, as soon as possible.
All you need to do is follow a:
5-Step Checklist With Each Trade Alert You Receive

Before you know it, these steps will become second nature…
You’ll just need to tell me where I should send your day trading alerts, events and videos to.
So let me sum up exactly everything you’ll be getting.
When you’re a member of The MATI Trader Supreme Premium Service:
Here’s what you’ll get as a
Which markets to trade & why.
Precise entry and exit price levels.
Easy to visualise chart setups.
Daily & weekly bias (Chart analysis to establish the market’s trend and environment).
How our trades performed.
Online weekly market updates, adjustments and trade lineups.
Weekly wrap up & post-session analysis.
Where the markets are heading.
A weekly track record & journal review.
› CONNECT: Supreme WhatsApp and Discord group
› LINK: your trading platform to TradingView
› 5 STEP CHECKLIST: Action each trade
› SPOT: Daily and Weekly market bias
› STRATEGY: Supreme uses, time frame and the best markets
› DOWNLOAD: Supreme Risk Calculator & Journal
› And more…
› How much to buy or sell per trade
› Fast track, analyse, report and review your weekly trading performance
NOTE: Those who sign up to Supreme will also receive all the Premium MATI Trader Service content (trades, analyses, Premium chat room, updates) as before.
What Brokers DON’T
Want You To Know
Nowadays, you can easily find stock research houses and trading companies selling ‘trading reports’ with tons of trading ideas.
They can average from around R35,000 up to R200,000.
Not only that but they dish out information like:
Analysts opinions
Macro-economic commentary
Over-complicated indicator analyses
information with unnecessary and over the head English
Problem is, these services are main stream.
You can find this information on Chat GPT nowadays.
And these analysts really contradict themselves.
I don’t even think they put their money where their mouths are…
So if they aren’t confident enough to buy or sell from their own analyses, why would you risk your hard earned money?
They most definitely do NOT have your best interest in mind, ever..
That’s why I’m putting my foot down today.
It’s time to make smarter, more profitable and better decisions for your future…
And that’s why I am giving up many projects this year and meetings aside with different companies – and spending my time and energy on YOUR SUCCESS.
My only bosses
are YOU
There are no long winded complicated financial reports.
No complicated indicator or hidden agenda analyses
No main-stream information you can find on the web or Chat GPT4.
You won’t find what I am about to give you ANYWHERE.
I will not accept any advertisement income from companies…
I also will NOT make a single cent in commission on the trades I send out either…
You’ll be getting simple buy and sell DAY trading recommendations, following a simple methodology I’ve followed over the last two decades.
This service, easily has a yearly value of at least R150,000.
In fact, one of my financial advisors offered a service of R55,000 per year.
No sir!
It’s tough right now for everyone.
Everything is expensive and jobs are just not doing the cut.
It’s time we take control of our own lives and financial situations.
And like I said, with this information you’re about to get – You might even run off with it and create something even more spectacular and profitable.
I’m rooting for you!
But NO WAY will I ever put a R55,000 to R150,000 price on you.
That’s why…
For the early-bird sale:
You can join the MATI Trader Supreme Premium Service for R1,150 p.m.
Or you can pay the full year’s price and you won’t have to worry about ANY price increases throughout the year.
And you’ll get 2 MONTHS FREE when you sign up yearly.
And if you got what you wanted, you can CANCEL at any time!
No fuss, no trouble!
And you’ll still get the remaining information, signals, videos and events for the month or year!
If you have been with me for the last 15 years and you’ve been happy with the level of service, information signals and events – YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET.
So let’s speed this up now, because there is only one final thing you need to know.
I will be taking a huge risk taking this on.
I have delayed future projects with top award companies.
I have decided to put my full time and energy into this.
I have made it my mission and goal for YOU to be a winning-case study.
If you’re not on the path to building your income and creating your financial freedom – Then it’s not for you.
But if you are willing to take on the LIVE and REAL TIME trading venture with me and Supreme – You are in for a highly profitable time.
All of this on the daily and weekly!
For a monthly fee of R1,150 or R11,500 yearly free (2 months free), you get full access to everything I have listed above.
Once you click the button below, you’ll also be able to review your complete order before anything is processed.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and invitation going into building your wealth with SUPREME.
Today or tomorrow, you’ll receive your first email, WhatsApp and Discord with signals, videos, events and more…
Click the button below NOW and you’ll be taken to an easy secure PayFast system where you can sign up monthly or yearly.
Also, you’ll be able to review and secure your spot to start creating your financial freedom…
I look forward to working for you essentially for free.
Trade well, live free.
Timon Rossolimos
Founder, MATI Trader
“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.”
– Lao Tzu.

“How much time do I need to commit to this?”
When it comes to you placing a trade, it can take as little as five minutes at a time.
This includes:
READING your WhatsApp or Discord.
CALCULATING your position size.
PLACING a trade on your trading platform.
And when it comes to going through my optional communication emails, this all depends on how long the communication message is via email, WhatsApp, Discord or even a Video…
Sometimes it will be 5 minutes and other times it can be as long as 30 minutes.
“What markets does the service work best with?”
The MATI Trader SUPREME Premium Service works best on the:
JSE Top 40 index
International indices
High liquid major Forex currency pairs
on a 5 minute candlestick chart.
“Can I use this strategy to win fund challenges from prop firms so they can fund my account?”
Oh absolutely!
My goal is to not only spot and send out trades.
It is also to highly train you with very powerful trading systems, strategies, tips and tricks for you to win those challenges.
And because we will be running live events and sending you videos, you will be WELL prepared to beat those challenges in the near future.
“Are you ONLY going to send daily trades on the JSE Top 40?”
At the launch and start, yes!
I want to show how one can ride the waves of the up and down trends and build an income with the MATI Trader System with the JSE Top 40 first.
NOTE: We will be looking at adding one or two extra currency pairs and indices in the near future.
“Does this service only work on buy signals?”
The service works on both buy (long) and sell (short) signals.
We want to ride up and down the trends on a daily basis…
“What if I am a Premium MATI Trader member already?”
You will continue to receive weekly buy and sell signals, updates, adjustments and have access to the Premium Discord.
We are not closing the Premium MATI Trader Service.
But we encourage you join the Supreme to have access to the new services.
If you are NOT a Supreme member, you WON’T have access to:
Daily trades on the JSE Top 40
Pre and post market sessions
Daily bias videos
Weekly market updates, adjustments videos
Weekly track record and reporting videos
The Supreme trades, updates and videos sent via WhatsApp, Discord and email
The Supreme WhatsApp and Discord group with all the daily trades and updates
“How long until I start making money?”
It could be any day really.
When the market is trending and showing strong volume, you are guaranteed to bank a string of winners, which will grow your trading account.
Remember, our goal is to ride up and down the trends and bank money when the markets are in favourable environments.
“Who should sign up?”
If you believe you fall into some of these categories, then this Supreme service is for you.
If you don’t have time to look for trades yourself.
If you want to speed up your trading performance, by taking on day trades.
If you want to enjoy the LIVE and REAL aspects of trading through email, WhatsApp, Discord and of course videos.
If you want to make money trading a simple and a mechanical trading strategy.
If you want to become a serious part-time trader, increase your profitability and expand your knowledge.
If you want to reduce your work time and spare 2 minutes a day to follow trading signals and a few rules.
If you’re a beginner who has never traded the markets before.
If you are an experienced trader and looking to optimise and improve your trading results.
If you are looking to get into the profitable world of day-trading.
If you are a normal MATI Trader or Premium Member and ready to UPGRADE to Supreme to build your wealth on a faster basis.
“What will the Supreme Service help me to achieve?”
You’ll save time with your analyses and setups as everything will be done for you.
Learn how to apply the principles, strategies and systems in place to capitalise on day-trading with a few markets. -
Enhance and expand your knowledge with profitable technical skills, entry and exit models as well as money management techniques. -
Shorten your learning curve and learn how to trade professionally with more consistency.
“What kind of trading strategy do you use to spot daily trades?”
A 20 year tested, proven and consistently profitable low risk, high probability, breakout chart patterns and Moving Averages strategy with strict risk management rules.
“Will I see the track record and journal of the Supreme portfolio?”
Transparency is everything for this to work for you.
We will be sending out weekly wrap-ups and journal checkups.
You’ll be able to access the updated and live journal to see:
How much money you could have made
The updated trading statistics on both past and present
What market environment we’re in (winning streak or not)
“Is the ordering process secure and safe?”
Yes it is fast, safe and 100% secure as we are using the latest complex encryption technology which will protect your data throughout the entire ordering process.
We are running the subscription payment system through PayFast which has been used with MATI Trader since inception (2019).
“How do I cancel my subscription?”
You can cancel the subscription at any time on the website on your account or you can email us at
Or you can send us a message on Discord to notify about your subscription.
We will then cancel 24 hours before the end of your billing cycle – where it will not renew.
“How much money do I need to start trading?”
Anything really.
If you’re looking to work up your skills, build your confidence and test out the service, you can start with a free demo-trading account and not risk any money at all.
We have made an arrangement with two of our top award winning brokers to help set up a demo account for you.
The markets will always be here, for when you’re ready to go live.
If you have some savings to start trading with, then I would suggest a minimum account of R25,000. R100,000 or up to R1,000,000.
But it really is up to you and what you’re comfortable with.
If you want to start with a Demo Account – We have organised with the brokers for them to open a Virtual Account for you to try out the service, trading and charting platform.
“When can I expect new trading signals?”
My goal with MATI Trader SUPREME Premium Service is QUALITY not QUANTITY!
If the market is favourable and firing out high probability trades, you can easily receive at least one trading signal a day.
If the markets are not favourable, it might take a few days for the market to line up.
We will give you trade ideas, setups and potential trade line ups in areas of interest that we are monitoring.
But in that time, you will continue getting the daily & weekly bias videos, weekly updates, adjustments, ongoing Premium MATI Trader Service content and more…
Trust me. It’s action packed not only with profit opportunities but also with learning and gaining incredible skills as traders.
“What do I need to make this service profitable?”
I bet you already have them including:
You NEED a phone or computer for WhatsApp, Discord and email.
You NEED 10 minutes a day to follow quick instructions.
You NEED a laptop or computer with an Internet connection.
That’s it…
You can start with a demo-account which we have arranged with one of our award-winning brokers.
And later you can open a real and live account to start building your wealth.
But most importantly, we need your passion, determination and will!
Those are the keys to your success as a trader.
“How do I sign up?”
You can sign up MONTHLY OR
You can benefit from 2 months FREE when you sign up YEARLY.
Click here Sign up now
Trade SUPREME, live free.
Timon Rossolimos
Founder, MATI Trader
Facebook Group:
FREE MATI Trader Chat Room – Discord: