A Drawdown is a drop in a portfolio value after one or more trades. It’s when the portfolio dips from the highest high.
Once you’ve entered into the inevitable drawdown phase, you’ll need to know how much you’ll need to recover.
That’s where the drawdown calculation comes in…
The Drawdown Formula to recover after a portfolio drop
Do you now get that you need to take your drawdowns more seriously?
With any business or venture, you should always be wary when you enter into a tough time.
In fact, you should never be down more than 20% on your trading portfolio, business or in any other financial venture…
Once you start going below 20%, it will take a heck of a lot longer to get back to what it was…
That’s why this article is only part one…
Trade well and look after yourself,

Timon Rossolimos
Founder, MATI Trader