20 CHECKLIST ITEMS to Start your Trading Strong
Happy New Year MATI Trader!
I wish you all the health and happiness, this year has to offer.
And whether you’re staying put or working in an office, I wish this is the year where you focus on yourself, your loved ones and your passions.
To kick you off this year on a strong note, I’ve prepared a quick 20 item checklist which you can use for your trading.
Save this email or print it, as a guide for 2021.
Let’s go…
1. Save and deposit a portion of your money every month, into your trading account to grow it faster.
2. Cut down on social media and save 15 minutes of no distractions a day to trade.
3. Re-look and evaluate your watchlist, which fits your strategy.
4. Don’t let the news, your friends or anyone interfere with your trading signals.
5. Never extend your stop loss in a trade where you can lose more money.
6. Be more mindful and accept when market trends change.
7. Never miss a trading idea that I send out to Premium MATI Traders. (We really took our portfolio to new all- time highs last year).
8. Celebrate taking each trade that lines up according to your proven strategy.
9. Ask trading questions to Info@timonandmati.com so you’re never left in wonder.
10. Journal and jot down every trade that comes your way to build your trading track record.
11. Screenshot and save every trading setup, to remind you on how your strategy works live.
12. Find the best time that suits your trading personality and system.
13. Stop overthinking everything, once you’re in your trade. Let it be.
14. Watch every reputable trading video you can, to boost your knowledge. You can start by clicking here.
15. Don’t fall for scams, get-rich-quick schemes and sensationalised marketing copy or posts on social media.
16. Trust and enjoy the process, week by week.
17. Persist and persevere through your own trading time-line and don’t compare yourself to others.
18. Only take trades when your trading strategy gives you signals
19. Only do what you love and love what you do – don’t waste your time on anything else.
20. Remember to say this when you’re feeling down. “YOU CAN ONLY GET BETTER”.
I trust these resolutions will help you through the year.
And I look forward to being with you each week.
I have exciting plans in 2021, which I know will take your trading to the next level.